We’re coming to the end of the summer season. It was a H-O-T, hot summer. Who agrees?
We are looking forward to cooler weather especially in the pest division of our company. Cooler months mean a new round of bugs invading your home while the ants, wasps, and other summertime pests become less active. Much like our pest control division, our tree & shrub division is gearing up for a new round of seasonal pests and disease control.
The Fall (Autumn) season is a great time for fertilizing the trees and ornamental shrubs on your property. In the landscaping world, Fall is known as aerating season meaning fertilizing your lawn to ensure a nice plush lawn in the spring. We will inspect trees and shrubbery on your property before the changing of the leaves to check for nutrient deficiencies, diseases, pest infestations, and more. We will explain what is going on and discuss with you a treatment plan to correct any issues we find.

As with our pest control division, we use IPM to assess pest and disease problems on your property. IPM simply stands for INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT. By definition it refers to a process used to solve pest problems while minimizing risks to people and environment. * We use products that will be most effective against the task at hand and least harmful to you and your family. By having a certified Arborist as our Chief Operator for Advance Tree & Shrub, we can ensure our customers get top-quality and correct identification backed with a certified license.

With IPM, we monitor the tree nutrients, disease, and/or pest infestations. Once we determine action to protect and enhance growth is when we use high-quality products to effectively treat and correct any issues.
“After monitoring and considering information about the pest, its biology, and environmental factors, you can decide whether the pest can be tolerated or whether it is a problem that warrants control. If control is needed, this information also helps you select the most effective management methods and the best time to use them.” – UC ANR Statewide IPM Program

The advantages of IPM in pest control as well with tree and shrub are very similar. IPM preserves all the good insects that trees and plants need, avoids using too much of a pesticide to be deemed harmful to human and the environment, receive expert inspection with each service, and a customized plan for your property.
Your property is not the same as your neighbors down the road. We are able to customize a plan for your specific property to help your property become green and thriving again. Remember the Fall season is a great time to get your property inspected and fertilized for the upcoming seasons. Next spring you will be thanking our arborist for his visit!
Contact our office now to schedule your FREE tree inspection!